selamat beramal..


Kalau kita terjaga di tengah-tengah malam itu, ia sebenarnya satu anugerah dari Allah. Allah kirimkan malaikatNya mengejutkan kita supaya kita bangun beribadah kepada Allah. Sebagai tanda terima kasih kerana mengejutkan kita, paling malas pun, mintalah apa-apa (berdoa) walau sedikit (meskipun kita masih di tempat tidur) kepada Allah, kemudian tidurlah.

"Kalau kita sedar, kemudian kita terus sambung tidur tanpa ucapkan apa-apa (contoh beristighfar, bertahmid dan sebagainya), kemudian malam kedua dan malam ketiga pun begitu juga, kita bimbang (kalau) malaikat tidak akan datang lagi mengejutkan kita." (alangkah ruginya kita) sekadar perkongsian..renung2kan..dan selamat beramal

adakah kite perempuan yg SUCI..??

adakah kite perempuan yg SUCI..??

Perempuan yang suci adalah perempuan yang di jaga oleh ALLAH,tidak sedikit pun Allah membenarkan mana- mana lelaki menyentuh dirinya walaupun hatinya...

Tetapi andai kita bergelumang dengan cinta lelaki, di mana Allah untuk menjaga kita? Allah seperti melepaskan kita kepada seorang manusia yang lebih banyak mengecewakan kita

"Jika ALLAH datangkan kesedaran dalam diri supaya meninggalkan cinta seorang lelaki ,bermakna Allah mahu ambil kita kembali untuk dijagaNya..

Mengapa masih ragu- ragu? "

"Kekuatan usah di tunggu tapi harus dicari"

Hargailah di atas kesempatan yang Allah berikan... "Sebesar- besar dosa adalah dosa yang di lakukan ketika rasa berdosa melakukannya" - Imam Ghazali-

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

" I want that girl.. "

A boy said to his father:

 “I saw a girl and I want to marry her.

 She is so beautiful and she has gorgeous eyes."

 The father answered his son:

 of course son, let’s ask for her hand in marriage.”
When the father saw the girl, 

he admired her beauty and he told his son:

 “You don’t deserve this girl, 

she needs someone who has experience in life 

and she can depend on, someone like me.”
The boy was surprised by the attitude of his father and he told him:

 “She will marry me, not you”.

 They started to fight and 

finally they decided both to go to the police station to solve their
When they tell their story to the police officer, he told them:

 “bring the girl so we can ask her about her opinion about this.”

 When the officer saw the beauty of the girl he said to the boy and his father:

 “you both don’t deserve her,

 she needs someone who has prestige like me.”
The three men started a fight and

 decided to go to the minister to solve their problem.

 When the minister saw the girl, he said:

“She deserves to be married with a minister like me”.

 The prince heard about their problem and 

calls them all to help them solve it 

but and when he saw the girl he said:

 “This girl will marry me”.
All the five men started to fight.

. Finally, the girl said

 “I have the solution! I will start to run

 and whoever catches me first, he will be my husband”

. When she started to run, the boy, his father, the police officer,

 the minister and the prince started to run to catch her.

 Suddenly the 5 men fell into a deep hole.
Moral : The girl looked to them from the top and she said

“do you know who I am?”
I am the Dunya - THE LIFE!!
People want to run to catch me, they are racing to have me. 

By doing that, they forget their religion,

 until they end up in their grave 

and still won’t have me.

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